Mt. Diablo: May 5-6, 2018 [COOLED!]

Camp Coolmoves had another successful outing this past weekend. We took on the Juniper Campground at Mt. Diablo with Jessie and Matt who learned us that we need to get a hatchet (amongst other things).
The Goodness
- Juniper campground is first-come, first-served with which site you get; we got lucky with campsite #17 with an epic unobstructed view of the bay and the sunset.
- We found an Ace Hardware in Lafayette right off the freeway where we were able to buy bundles of wood since the campgrounds at Mt. Diablo didn’t sell them (thanks for the heads up, Jessie!).
- Jessie made a yummy “Hobo Dinner” for us, and Ali brought some pre/pro-biotic coleslaw that was a great compliment to it.
- In the morning, we drove up to the summit to see a panoramic view of both the Bay and the Central Valley.
- Ali and I’s new inflatable mattress was a lifesaver that helped us through the cold night and made a world of a difference: great addition to our pack!
Things Learned
- Campsite #17 is on a slope; well, at least the picnic area was. A few falls were the cost of a great view!
- We added the word “enantiodromia” to our vocabulary.
- Our “rival camp,” The Raccoons, stole our Trader Joe’s hot dogs! Grrrr!
- They also got into our fly trap’s bait: we hope they were poisoned by it.
A great trip!
Mt. Diablo COOLED!